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Terms and Conditions

Aiivon Virtual Office subscription includes following benefits:
  • Professional business address
  • Full Postal Services including mail forwarding upon request
  • Call answering, with call transfer and voice mail
  • Professional reception services
  • Access to the co-working facility at discounted rates
  • Access to training and hub at discounted rates
  • Access to executive meeting room at discounted rates


  1. This subscription will be reviewed after one year. (In order to speed up the application process, please ensure all sections of the form are completed)
  2. Any payments taken are non-refundable unless they comply with our termination/ revocable terms.
  3. Aiivon will hold and use the subscriber’s information in the following manner:
    • Identification Details – We may hold copies of your photographic identity documents and at least one document that confirms your home address. This is required to protect our position and look after the subscriber’s interests where necessary. It assists Aiivon to ensure we are dealing with the owners of the property and we are not becoming involved in any money laundering situation. This information will never be passed to third parties without a court order or request from authorities in writing.
    • Mailing list – The subscriber’s details may be added to Aiivon’s mailing list and we may send you information regarding other relevant services we can provide to you. The subscriber will be able to unsubscribe to these emails at any time.
  4. Aiivon reserves the right to increase the price of the V.O services and additional services by giving one month’s notice in writing or email.
  5. This subscription can only be used on a single business name/company basis, Aiivon will only accept correspondences for the Company name included in this form, any subsequent business names must be contracted separately.
  6. The subscriber accepts that calls will be taken virtually there within the agreed operating hours. Unless a 24-hour service is paid for then virtually there holds no responsibility for calls outside of Standard Service Hours (8am- 6pm, Mondays – Fridays)
  7. Should a client wish to terminate this subscription, notice of 1 month in lieu in writing has to be submitted or mailed.
  8. Subscription of the virtual office package does not denote free access to our physical space or any form of tenancy.
  9. Aiivon reserves the right to refuse an application, and is not bound to reveal the reason for refusal.
  10. The subscriber will not in any way whatsoever use or combine Aiivon’s company name, in whole or in part, for the purpose of business transactions or partnerships; any form of which will automatically revoke the subscription without notice.
  11. The subscriber warrants that it will not use any of the rights granted in these terms and conditions for any obscene, illegal, immoral or defamatory purposes and will not in any way bring Aiivon into disrepute; any form of which will automatically revoke the subscription without notice.
  12. The subscriber herewith expressly agrees to waive, and not to claim for damages, direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential, including, but not limited to, lost business, revenue, profits or data, for any reason whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this subscription, any failure to furnish any service provided hereunder, any error or omission with respect thereto, from failure of any and all courier service to deliver on time or otherwise deliver any items (mail, packages, etc.) or any interruption of services.
  13. Aiivon does not have any involvement with the operations, clients, jobs or any dealings with virtual office subscribers. Virtual office subscribers are solely responsible for their clients relating to their jobs and business dealings
  14. Aiivon reserves the right to revoke your subscription at any time if it is felt that your business activity or behaviors may have a detrimental effect on Aiivon. To this effect, 30% of what is left of the remainder of your subscription will be refunded.
  15. Supplying false information within this application will render it void. Should subscription be approved, the information contained within the application will form part of your contract with Aiivon.
  16. By signing this document, I am indicating that I understand and will abide by the above terms and conditions.
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